Znechutenie z patentov
Na patentoch a softvérových patentoch sa mi nepáči:
- doba, po ktorú platia (5 rokov, max 20). Takže teraz môžem slobodne použiť veci z roku 2004.
- záber, ktorý umožňujú. Už aj blbý video či zvukový kodek obsahuje stovky patentov. Preto doteraz nemáme naozaj rozšírený kodek úplne všade a kodeky musia zaistovať obrie korporácie ako Google alebo konzorciá, aby odplašili či zaplatili prípadné spory
- vágne napísané patenty - napríklad “agent na vzdialenú pomoc”
- spoločnosti si patentujú veci, ktoré nevymysleli
- patentujú sa veci, čo reálne nefungujú
- Plánovanie útoku na slobodný kodek Opus - https://www.vectis.com/media/vectis-ip-announces-call-for-patents-essential-to-the-opus-codec. Samozrejme pridali sa Dolby a Fraunhofer. Vidí sa mi ten radostný tón tlačovej správy.
London, UK:
UK-based IP and technology licensing company Vectis IP today announced a call for patents essential to the Opus codec. The upcoming patent pool license will cover the Opus interactive speech and audio codec, as defined by the Internet Engineering Task Force. Initial participants in Vectis IP’s prospective pool include Fraunhofer and Dolby. The planned Opus program will focus on hardware devices and will not be directed towards open-source software, applications, services, or content.
“We are pleased to act as administrator in the development of this important patent pool which aims to support efficient, fair, and transparent access to hundreds of patents covering technologies used in the Opus codec,” said Giustino de Sanctis, CEO of Vectis IP. “The reasonable royalty rates of this pool will balance the interests of both the program’s innovators and end-user device manufacturers whose products benefit from use of these patented technologies.”
Vectis IP expects to launch the program in the coming months and for the program to include access to hundreds of patents with a royalty rate in the range of €15-20c per unit. Royalties for willing licensees will be applicable from the program launch, with further incentives available for licensees that promptly execute a pool license.
Vectis IP welcomes other innovators with patents essential to Opus to submit applications for consideration in the program at opus@vectis.com.
- Nokia žaluje Oppo aj v iných trhoch - https://www.gsmarena.com/nokia_is_now_suing_oppo_in_other_markets_as_well-news-56138.php. Nokia klasicky žaluje kadekoho, na druhú stranu čínski výrobcovia ignorujú čo sa dá až do extrému
According to a new report, Nokia is now suing Oppo in Australia over the violation of Nokia’s SEP (Service Enablement Platform) that cover 4G and 5G technologies. The German court halted Oppo’s sales on the same basis, so we might see the same denouement in Australia and other markets.
- Huawei žaluje Amazon kvôli e-ink patentom - https://www.gsmarena.com/huawei_is_suing_amazon_likely_for_eink_patents-news-56307.php. Čínske spoločnosti postupne skupujú a získavajú patenty podobne ako západné korporácie a začínajú sa správať podobne. Myslím, že skúpenie patentov je dobrá páka a aj tak majú skoro neobmedzene veľa peňazí.
The actual infringing patents haven’t been detailed as the official documents are yet to be published by the People’s Court of Suzhou, Jiangsu Province. The trial will begin with hearings on December 8.
- Microsoftu bol udelený patent ohľadom ANS - https://jpegxl.io/articles/rans/. Poľský típek vytvoril kódovanie, uvoľnil to zadarmo a nechcel si to patentovať. Googlu sa to nepodarilo patentovať, Microsoftu áno. Možno si to patentovali zo zvyku alebo kvôli ochrane, ale pri MS človek nikdy nevie.
Microsoft obtained the patent for ANS-Coding after a failed attempt by Google. The inventor is willing to release the process for public use.
Microsoft did not create ANS, but Jaroslaw (Jarek) Duda, a researcher at the University of Krakau. Due to Duda’s own desire to never patent or otherwise protect ANS, his work is available on the Arxiv repository. Several years ago, the information scientist criticized Google’s attempts to register a patent on ANS. Google’s application for the patent was rejected as well.
A patent has been granted to software giant Microsoft after years of trying to obtain one from the US Patent Office. Several variants of the coding procedure Asymmetric Numerical Systems (ANS) may be found in most modern codecs, such as AV1, Z-Standard compression, or even rANS in JPEG XL.
- Rusi môžu kradnúť duševné vlastníctvo “nepriateľských zemí” - https://ipwatchdog.com/2022/03/16/russian-businesses-can-now-legally-steal-intellectual-property-unfriendly-countries/id=147528/. Ako, nemajú kvôli sankciám inú možnosť - nedajú sa dohodnúť zmluvy a ani zaplatiť. Takže budú na to srať rovnako ako Čína, akurát to povedia na rovinu.
“It’s likely that Russian businesses will capitalize on the opportunity for IP infringement and piracy and continue to violate patent holder rights even if global tensions deescalate.”
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