Mind Dump, Tech And Life Blog
written by Ivan Alenko
published under license CC4-BY
posted at 07. Aug '24

Notes on CSS Frameworks

So I searched for top CSS frameworks and did my own research about whether I should even bother setting it up in my project.


Pure CSS

  • technologically looks old (no grids, but uses flexbox for grinds)
  • last version in 2022
  • most of commits since 2022 are dependabot and various fixes
  • tooling is in JavaScript, but is really pure CSS
  • has CSS only responsive menus


  • supports SASS variables and CSS variables at the same time
  • uses SASS/SCSS
  • no jQuery
  • configuration for components is done declaratively via data attributes
  • has own icons
  • it does have ESM build+importmap
  • plugins have no noJS fallback
  • CSS grid is still experimental in 5.3


  • Github seems active
  • the section “See what Bulma fans are tweeting” are from 2017-2020
  • it says “Internet Explorer (10+) is only partially supported.” in README.md, so probably the default build is horribly conservative
  • “based on flexbox” (in 2017 that was relatively new)

There are others, but mostly CSS-in-JS which sucks.

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