Mind Dump, Tech And Life Blog
written by Ivan Alenko
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posted in category myrtana / Site News
posted at 17. Nov '19

Myrtana News November 2019

What changed? From technological standpoint of view there were a couple of changes.

  • rbenv is installed via ansible instead of manually - with this I can keep up with new Ruby versions and love it
  • Rails updated to 6.0beta2, beta3, rc1 and 6.0 and now 6.0.1 - I don’t use lot of stuff from Rails, so it was easy
  • refactored rendering functionality and mapper for data stored as files - the most important change since it blocked evolution of myrtana. 4 years ago I was like - it should implement this specification. Now - yeah, whatever, I don’t need it. As long as it works and makes sense.

I still intend to keep myrtana online. It is a gift and my presence on the Internet. While positions in search engines are not very high and according to g** only 12 people click on links per 3 months….still. My content is personal, done purely for fun, duty and trust in freedom of thought. I don’t really like to write stuff only for myself since I like to share my thoughts. Perhaps even get a feedback once I implement comments. Surprisingly, nobody so far wrote me on Jabber.

About the content - I know some of it is depressing and personal, but it reflects my truth. I’d rather delete an article than create it as half-truth or fake. Also I try to write more technical articles and content for noobs.

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