!!! Get my myrtana off the ground !!!
Another try, another content management system. Another generation. It got simpler. Has easy support for images, image galleries and videos. Pages are still written in text editor with HTML, Markdown pr Textile. Awesome. Writing the CMS was a bloody task. But it is here. Better than Wordpress or Radiant CMS.
What’s the point of this site at the time of Twitter, Facebook, Youtube? Tons of other sites in the Internet? Twitter is endless cocktail party and announcements of stuff. Facebook is sunny place where you brag about the best aspects of your personality and don’t write anything too complex. Youtube is for viewing tons of videos.
I’m creating a new place. My thoughts. My style. My design. My life is not every time ok. Everything is not ok. Sometimes I’m sad. Or I need to express my dissatisfaction or frustration with something. Or write ironic or satiric article. And I like a long, very technical and abtract texts. Something new. Unseen.
Also I read lot of texts and I need to compile it and improve. I solved a lot of problems I haven’t found in the internet. An article or two would help many people, you.
Welcome. Join.
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